Shamanic Journey Circles
The Shamanic Journey Circle is a wonderful resource for practicing Shamanic Journey skills. In a Circle, individuals trained in the journey process come together to practice in a structured environment. In this environment one can strengthen their relationships with their Helping Spirits, access Spiritual resources for personal healing, and build community with others who love to journey.
For all Journey Circles offered through this website, basic Core Shamanism journey skills are required. The Journeying Basics workshop is scheduled regularly at this location and is recommended to beginners for preparation for further journey work, and Circle participation.
My advanced shamanic journey circles reflect my dedication to the path of "The Great Unknowing", a process of unfolding given to me by my Spirits, a path of profound mystical development. Through Shamanic practice coupled with increasingly refined intent, we can learn to relinquish our perceptual positions, agendas, belief systems, and strivings. We learn to truly nourish the core of our being, and we open to the pure potential of Spirit to act in our lives.
As we call upon our Helping Spirits to guide us, we enter into a world where ordinary rules cease to bind us, and where we can find freedom from precepts that have constrained us previously in our lives. As we explore our own natures as sovereign beings of Spirit, we become increasingly able to claim the birthright of our own sacred gifts, and to create our world anew, with the light of Spirit as our guide.
To inquire about Circle participation, send us an email including details about any training and/or prior experience you may have had, via our contact page.
You can join our workshop mailing list at: mailist.