About Shamanism
Shamanism is an ancient practice that embraces the natural and unseen worlds in a collaborative dance that fosters harmony and balance for all living things.
The practice of Shamanism is available to all who care to learn its tools. The practices can be applied to a host of personal and spiritual works, such as to inform one’s own process and choice-making, or for self-healing and supporting well-being.
Certain individuals are skilled in navigating the Otherworlds on behalf of others who are in need of help. The practitioner of Shamanism can provide Spiritual Healing and information to others.Traditionally, a Shaman was one who was recognized by their community as an individual who possessed the skill and ability to traverse all the worlds in an altered state of consciousness, and in communion with these unseen forces, work to effect help and healing for their community.
The times that we are in are accentuating the importance of our working in alliance with nature and the mysterious forces of our world. As we enter ever more deeply into the heart of our own natures, our need to live in balance with the worlds around us calls us into deep relationship with all the forces of our world. Through the practice of Shamanism, we build loving relationships with the sentient worlds, where we can work in the service of all living things. In these unseen worlds, we can access information and energies that are not available to us in our ordinary waking state, and find help and healing there for ourselves, our communities, and for the natural world.
This wondrous practice is alive today around the globe. Shamanic communities come together in Circle to work together to explore consciousness and build relationships with the essential energies of our worlds.
For more information about Shamanic Trainings and Community we welcome you to explore our offerings further.
Come explore with us, as we journey into these worlds of wonder!
My Philosophy
I am dedicated to the path of "The Great Unknowing", a process of unfolding given to me by my Spirits, a path of profound mystical development. Through shamanic practice coupled with increasingly refined intent, we can learn to relinquish our perceptual positions, agendas, belief systems, and strivings. We learn to truly nourish the core of our being, and we open to the pure potential of Spirit to act in our lives.As we call upon our Helping Spirits to guide us, we enter into a world where ordinary rules cease to bind us, and where we can find freedom from precepts that have constrained us previously in our lives. As we explore our own natures as sovereign beings of Spirit, we become increasingly able to claim the birthright of our own sacred gifts, and to create our world anew, with the light of spirit as our guide.
As a dedicated seeker on the path of true sovereignty, I revel in each individual's capacity to access our own authentic authority and instinctive ways of knowing, and feel that it is vital that we act to cut the ties to the imposition of traditional hierarchical structures, that by their very nature, for their own survival, seek to limit each, our own capacity for full actualization in our lives. While I feel that training and the distribution of information may have their place in helping each seeker to find our way, and to build confidence in our own authority, it is the individual's own instincts that must be cultivated, honed, and heeded in the pursuit of true sovereignty of spirit.
About Gail
Gail Gulick has been a lifelong explorer of the vast resources available to us in the unseen worlds. Her life experience encompasses the myriad states of the human condition, bringing a great depth to her perspective as a teacher and a healer. She is committed to helping others to find a greater sense of connection, peace and wonder in their lives, and to lovingly embrace all aspects of their nature as human beings.Since 2006, Gail has held weekly shamanic journey circles dedicated to deepening our relationships with spirit, strengthening one's own sense of sovereignty and presence, and exploring our own true natures in the most loving environment possible. Each circle is a cultivation of loving community in which we can engage with the most meaningful aspects of our lives.
Gail has been a Shamanic Mask-Maker since 1989 and a workshop leader since 1995. She is a graduate of Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Teacher Training and Tom Cowan's Two Year Training in Celtic Shamanism. She has studied Core Shamanism in depth with Nan Moss and David Corbin, and Sandra Harner and has taken focused Shamanic trainings with Betsy Bergstrom, and Hank Wesselman, among other shamanic teachers. Gail was also a four year resident of Kripalu Yoga Center.
Gail's healing practice and leadership are informed by her own life-long pursuit of mystical experience, of which her training experience is one aspect. Her shamanic practice is primarily a product of her own pursuit of sovereign authenticity in action, and cannot be philosophically contained within any specific lineage.
Gail holds shamanic trainings in shamanic journeying, healing, and Medicine for the Earth She also offers one-on-one and remote shamanic healing sessions that include Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Shamanic Extraction, Compassionate Deposession, Psychopomp and Space Clearings, Transition Support, Ancestral Healing, and Faerie Doctoring, among other Spirit-Driven modalities. She also offers journey experiences through weekly shamanic journey circles and life-mask-casting for groups or individuals.
Please see Whispers of the Heart for more on Gail's perspective.
"As a spiritual seeker I have spent my life practicing, exploring and investigating various techniques, teachers and modalities. Lucky for me I found a profound Shamanic teacher, Gail Gulick, who has taken me into realms, worlds and understandings that have changed my life and dramatically expanded my perspective on reality - thank heaven! Actually, the thanks also go to Gail who is a most profound guide into the mystery of life.
I have been in her Shamanic Circle for ten years, where, with Gail's guidance I have had experiences, openings and revelations that enrich my life like nothing else."
Katherine Dreyer, October 2018
"Gail is an inspiration to me as a teacher, a master at holding space for each person to do/experience/learn what THEY need to learn, giving enough structure but not too much. There can be a dozen people all at different levels in their experience and personal healing and everyone gets what they need at the moment and nobody is left behind. All are encouraged. That is different from teaching the methods and traditions that Gail has learned. I come for the former, not the latter."
Anita Walling, October 2018
"Gail is a kind and gentle positive leader who respects all and has a great sense of humor!! Do yourselves a favor by attending anything she offers as he will be rewarded with insight, community and joy!!!"
K. N., October 2018
"I cannot impress upon you enough how truly happy I am. I am truly happy and at peace for the first time in my life.
You have made this possible in a very direct way. Thank you for making this experience possible."
D. A. R., October 2018
"Thank you so much for the wonderful journeying session last Wednesday. You are such an incredible spirit and it did my heart good to be in the presence of you and all the other beautiful souls drawn to your loving wise energy...Thank you so much for the abundant gifts you all showered on me. I feel I have found home.
Our circle made me feel safe to go deeper. I am so honored to be a part of your sacred space. When I was driving home I reflected that in this amazing environment you have created with such sweet and meaningful intentions, we all truly see one another instantly and deeply. I feel I have known you lifetimes and we only just met. It is so refreshing to connect on this plane. This is the most amazing circle I have ever been a part of."
Lynne Buchanan, December 2017
Whispers of the Heart by Gail Gulick
Where haunting music thrills the air
Etheric fragrance lifts the soul
And gentle mists form blankets fair
Beyond the stars there lives a world
Where spirals stir celestial skies
There, flight is easy on the winds
Of Spirit's breath and Angel's sighs
Beneath the sea there lives a world
Where shifting waters blend to space
Beneath those wild and frenzied waves,
A gentle womb of safe embrace
Beyond the Sun there lives a world
Where blaze to ash leaves presence bare
There brilliance burns to steady flame
And tends each spark with constant care
Behind the eyes there lives a world
Where open doors draw all inside
There, welcomed home, we meet ourselves
Where hearth and heart, in joy reside
There is an edge where all things crumble
A silver strand of waking peace.
We walk the razor to relinquish
those errant cords of false embrace.
Those pompous claims who split our substance,
Those clutching voices of distant days,
Those staunch positions who trap our essence,
Those nagging worries who keep us prey.
We leave these all to molder sickly
releasing Self through sweet decay.
We come to know our own deft urgings
and drink the balm of love's bouquet.
I cannot hold communications
where glamours bind our thoughts with pride.
I can but hold this mirror gently
that we may glimpse what burns inside.
Let us drink of the cup of kindness
wherever we may find it,
in a tender glance,
or a gentle word.
Let us drink so deeply,
of each small droplet,
until the ocean of our hearts
overflows with tender tears.
As this sea of kindness
swells from deep within us,
let us share the comfort we have known.
May we pour our own soul's cup of kindness
Into every cup where kindness may be shown.
Take Rest, Dear Ones!
There is no need for striving, no need for pursuing,
no need for believing, no need for resisting,
no need for proving, no need for denying,
Instead, just listen for that one soft voice within you, calling "follow me home".
Why strive for the death of the ego?
Would you aim to kill a starving child?
When we hold them like a babe
And feed them with kindness
Even the hungriest parts of ourselves may know peace.
Dear Ones,
I am here to kiss you with soft whispers of my presence.
I am here to caress you with the stirrings of each breath.
I am here to hold you in the rapture of my caring.
I am here to touch you with my infinite embrace.
Yes, I see you, and I know you, and all your many sufferings.
I am with you, always, from inception to each end.
Yes, I fold you gently in my ever-loving shelter,
In devotion, waiting, til you notice me again.
I come again to that poet's place in my soul,
That place from which I blossomed into flesh
That place to which my nakedness returns,
Breathing, in the language of the masters,
with grateful clarity
Oh how I long for that sacred presence
of my own soft beauty,
slipping sweetly though this one secret door
and following my yearning home
I live in this world between touch down and flight
This one holy moment,
Where formlessness enfolds us,
Holding us ever so gently, just
as we are letting go.

The greatest gift we can give another is to recognize their own brilliance, their own soulful heart, and their own earnest desire to love and be loved.
Contact Info
email: info@dreamtimejourneys.net
phone: 828.398.0630
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Regarding Circles, please note that Intro Circles are open to beginners as well as advanced journeyers. Experienced Circles are open to individuals with experience in Upper and Lower World journeying, who have met their Power Animal and / or Spirit Teachers.
If you are inquiring about an Experienced Journey Circle,
please email your inquiry with your name and details about any prior experience and/or training you may have had.